Jenny Briard
Healing Therapies

Mum of a little girl since June 2022, I reduced my hours. Please contact me for availability.

All About Me
My name is Jenny Briard, an internationally trained massage therapist. As a native French speaker, being bi-lingual allows me to hold sessions in both French and English.
Direct and open minded, I’m able to relate to individuals from different walks of life. I specialised in trauma and work with energies, transgenerational trauma and massage at the same time because after years of searching for myself, I realised simultaneous treatments are often necessary in order to successfully heal from trauma. Many aspects overlooked or not talked about can prove to be crucial components in healing successfully. Often the focus is on the mind but from personal experience, working beyond the mind proved more successful in diminishing, or letting go of the effect of trauma.
Over the years I have travelled to Peru and Brazil on several occasions for spiritual, meditation and healing experiences to further develop my own personal healing ability and also to expand my knowledge and awareness of my inner self.
I am now very comfortable to speak about the role of the Deceased in families’ dynamic as well as anything that relates to the Spiritual world as my personal experiences have led me to confront all these situations in great depth.
Respectful towards the Earth, all my products are vegan and organic as much as possible.
My qualifications include
ITEC in Swedish Massage and Aromatherapy (Scotland)
Clinical Aromatherapy diploma (Leeds)
Massage Training with Jacob Vladimir Balga (France)
APNT Massage and Pregnancy (London)
First year training, CSC Centre of Systemic Constellation (London)
Essenian-Egyptian Therapies diploma (France)
I have been working for more than ten years on my first book and I hope to publish it when the time will be right. I consider myself as an aspiring author as I haven't published yet. My book is about how to heal sexual trauma from my personal experience and what I did and understood over the years and how I brought it in my healing practice. I hope you will enjoy it when it will be ready.